About Us
Company Introduction

Our company was established in March 2008 as An Nur Services & Enterprise and in June 2014 it was incorporated to An Nur Kleen Maintenance Sdn Bhd. (An Nur Kleen). Although is was started with a modest amount of capital but today An Nur Kleen is growing fast in every aspect in order to meet the demand of the fast growing industry. We identified an opportunity to introduce new innovative technology to the cleaning industry. We are engaged in providing our clients and prospect second to none royal first class services. Ours is an epitome of excellence towards satisfying our clients need. As such we have at our disposal excellent well trained, trustworthy staff and equipment to carry out these cleaning activities and other auxiliary services to suit your taste.
Vision :
Our vision is to provide professional cleaning services and landscape & garden maintenance at the lowest cost in the market. That's to provide you with guaranteed services within your budget.
Mission :
Our mission is to promote excellent cleaning services and landscape & garden maintenance to our clients by providing a personalized one-stop cleaning and auxiliary services at an affordable fee
Our Approach & Methodology:
1) A Personalized Approach
Our relationship will start with an initial consultation, an opportunity to meet you, see your business in action and work out how we can best meet your needs.
2) A Fully Supplied
Apart from our trained workforce, we'll bring everything we need with us, so you'll never have to replenish stocks yourselves - and it's all included in the quote
3) Regular Communication
Our dedicated client support team will be on hand to ensure your contact runs smoothly at all the times, making contact as regularly as you feel is appropriate for your business.